It is important to realize that some professions make you prone to vein diseases like spider veins, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency
Most of these occupations require the person to stand for long periods of time with little time to sit and rest:
1. Lift man
2. Traffic police
3. Chefs/ cooks
4. Guards
5. Courier boy
6. Waiters in restaurants
7. Teachers
8. Surgeons, interns
9. Flight attendants
10. Beauticians
11. Retail sales employee
Jobs requiring prolonged standing aren't the only ones that can damage veins. Desk jobs and those that require long periods of sitting also impede blood return to your heart.
So what do I do?
Changing or stopping the work is never a feasible option for many.
Make time for activities that give your legs relief from the constant strain:
Do some activity after regular intervals
Elevating your legs on a stool or a desk whenever possible
Performing calf and ankle exercises to help the foot and calf pump if confined to a small area. Read about exercises...
Changing positions every few minutes
Avoid high heels and tight clothes
If you have a job which requires standing, sit when you can
Avoid crossing your feet and legs
#Varicose veins